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Fundations® Teacher Spotlight: A Great First Impression

Teaching first grade is no small feat, but Ciara Hope is making it look like a blast at Sea Gate Elementary in Collier County, Florida. In her very first year with Fundations®, Ciara hit the ground running, turning literacy lessons into a classroom favorite. We caught up with Ciara to get the scoop on how she’s using Fundations to inspire her students, boost their confidence, and make learning to read fun.

What was it like implementing Fundations for the first time?

Our district implemented Wilson® Fundations this past year and we saw an immediate improvement in our students’ literacy skills. We received district and school training throughout the year, and Wilson Literacy Specialists came into our schools and observed our lessons, which was amazing. They were able to give us some really valuable feedback that reinforced our efforts as first-year instructors. It gave us a sense of pride and accomplishment.

What sets Fundations apart from other foundational literacy programs you’ve encountered?

Fundations stands out because it incorporates all learning modalities. Students engage with visuals, use kinesthetic body movements, and echo the teacher. It’s very hands-on—they use magnetic Letter Boards and whiteboards, and their favorite is being the drill leader with Baby Echo. They get to show what they know to the class. It helps develop a sense of ownership in their learning and boosts their participation.

What do you find most effective about the Fundations program?

The most effective part of Fundations is its systematic, routine-based approach. It’s engaging and students know what to expect, which makes them feel comfortable. This consistency encourages more participation and helps students take risks in their learning.

What changes have you noticed in student performance and engagement since you started using Fundations? 

The most significant change I’ve noticed in my students’ literacy development has been their writing. Last year, at the start of first grade, many students lacked confidence in their writing skills and had a negative view of writing. Fundations really transformed their mindset. They went from just writing sounds that they hear in words to actually spelling words correctly. They even used their Student Notebooks to look back and see how to spell Trick Words and were eager to write stories. It’s been a joy to see my students proudly show me their progress.

How does Fundations foster a love of reading in your students?

Fundations has significantly increased my students’ love of reading. They enjoy looking back at their Composition Books to see previous Unit tests and measure the progress they’ve made. They love cozying up with a book during independent reading time, finding a Trick Word or a Word of the Day that we’ve learned, and running over to show it to me. 

My favorite is when they play phonics during free time. They collect Baby Echo and Mama Echo and want to be the teacher, mimicking classroom activities. It’s so much fun to see their excitement, but even more, as their teacher, it’s really neat to see how they’re explaining what they’re learning. 

Have you witnessed any aha moments since implementing Fundations?

Since last year was my first year teaching Fundations, I would have to say that both my students and I had those aha moments when we realized this is a really great program. We’re both learning. My students are increasing their literacy skills; I’m growing and developing as a teacher. Of course, I love to see their improving abilities to read and write independently as a result of Fundations, but I also have become a better teacher because of this program.

How has Fundations made your job more enjoyable? 

In my 18 years of teaching, this has been the most successful program I have ever incorporated into my classroom routine. I think Fundations has made my job more enjoyable because I see immediate results in my students’ work. They are applying the skills and the concepts that I’m teaching them, and I can see it right there in their writing and when they’re explaining things to me.

What resources from Fundations have you found most helpful?

The resources in Fundations are fantastic. I really enjoy using FUN HUB®. It is easy to navigate, and the online tools like the Unit Test Tracker are especially helpful to keep track of student progress. I just love being able to see how my students do from Unit to Unit. The Unit parent letters are also great for involving parents in what we’re teaching. The various resources, like printable materials, make it easy to support students in the classroom. The interactive games in FUN HUB are a big hit with my students—they provide a fun way to reinforce what we are learning in class and give them a little screen time, which they absolutely love!

I think the Fundations® Readers will be a great addition to what we already have. Just having those decodables to reinforce what we’ve taught in class and provide additional practice for students will really help solidify their learning.

Can you share a success story from using Fundations?

There was a little boy in my class last year who started the year performing at an early kindergarten level and lacked confidence. He just didn’t think he could do it. Fundations helped him believe in himself. He made immediate progress in both reading and writing as soon as we started with the program. By the end of the year, he’d achieved a full year’s literacy growth and caught up with the rest of his class. Fundations made learning fun and engaging for him, and he became one of our most eager participants.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of teaching Fundations?

Fundations has been excellent for encouraging participation, especially among students who were initially timid. It breaks down barriers and makes them feel comfortable in the classroom. They start engaging more and even become leaders in activities, which is one of the most enjoyable aspects of teaching with this new curriculum.

Can you talk about any special activities you’ve done to connect Fundations with home learning?

I’m passionate about phonics and wanted to make a strong connection between home and school learning. We had a Fundations fashion show where parents dressed up as letter cards and glued sounds, and we shared photos on Dojo. It was a huge hit, and we’re planning to do a school parade this year. Another activity was having students create their own version of Echo or Baby Echo and teach their parents at home, which increased engagement and made learning more fun.

How did parents react to these activities?

Parents were proud of their children and appreciated seeing how happy and engaged they were in class. It helped them understand what their children were learning and created a positive connection between home and school. That’s the type of learning environment I want to create in my classroom.

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