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Fundations Fun in Focus™️ Intervention Kit

For Tier 2

Fun in Focus™ Tier 2 Intervention kits for Level 1 and Level 2 make implementing Fundations as an intervention program more straight forward with daily lessons scripted for teachers and Practice and Challenge books for students.


Fun in Focus is a program for Fundations students who need additional Tier 2 support and targeted intervention. Lessons are delivered in small group settings and provide meaningful student practice and review.

The Fun in Focus Teacher’s Manual provides a structured Tier 2 lesson plan for each day to help minimize teacher planning. Student Practice and Challenge books contain extensive controlled text practice with words, phrases, and stories for Tier 2 students.

The Fun in Focus Teacher’s Manual provides a structured Tier 2 lesson plan for each day with specific word resources helping minimize teacher planning.

The Tier 2 lesson plan is specifically aligned to the Fundations Tier 1 instruction, providing continuity for both teachers and students with aligned activities, routines, and principles of instruction.

A new Fun in Focus Student Practice Book and Fun in Focus Student Challenge Book contain extensive controlled text practice with words, phrases, and stories for Tier 2 students.

At the end of each unit, students are assessed in two ways: their decoding skills are evaluated through charting, and their encoding abilities are tested through dictation.

Introducing our Fundations bundles

Teaching Fundations just got easier. Everything you need for Fundations implementation is now combined into easy-to-purchase bundles. Plus, with the introduction of our new Fundations Plus bundles, you’ll have access to exciting new digital student practice content for the first time!