Just Words logo description.

Just Words


An accelerated, highly explicit, multimodal Tier 2 word study program for students in Grades 4–12 and adults who have mild to moderate gaps in their decoding and spelling proficiency but do not require intensive intervention.

A teacher stands in front of a classroom with colorful educational posters. Several students are raising their hands, facing the teacher. The teacher appears to be listening to the students.


Just Words is a Tier 2 intervention that provides a sophisticated study of word structure, explicitly teaching how English works to achieve decoding and spelling automaticity.

Just Words supports those who have not mastered the foundational skills of language structure typically learned in Grades K–3, offering strategies that enable them to read and spell words independently and build the skills necessary to access and master grade-level standards.

All students in grades 4–12 and adults who are decoding and encoding below grade level

Reading class (up to 15 students), small group

45 minutes, 3–5 times/week

General education classroom, intervention class, ELL classroom, literacy center, adult education

General education teacher, reading specialist, or interventionist

  • Wilson Academy®/Just Words Learning Community (online)
  • Program Workshops
  • Virtual Implementation Support
  • Facilitator and Presenter Certifications
  • Sustainability Plans
  • Demonstration Sites with On-Site Coaching
Just Words
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Familiarize yourself with the words and concepts taught in Just Words.

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Learn how to identify students appropriate for Just Words and how to implement the program successfully in your classroom.

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Comprehensive materials allow teachers to confidently present a carefully structured word-study program using engaging, multimodal techniques.

For students with below-average decoding and spelling skills

Just Words emphasizes phonemic awareness, phonics, word study, and spelling. It serves as the word study component of the Wilson Reading System® curriculum, offering instruction at an accelerated pace to align with the Wilson approach. Combine Just Words with your English language arts (ELA) program.

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I would describe Wilson Language Training as life-changing—not just for students, but for myself as well. Before, I didn’t even know what an open syllable was, and now I do. It has empowered our kids with the gift of becoming lifelong learners and readers.

Becky Adrian, Pittsburgh Public Schools

Success Story

Just Words in action

When Talia started fourth grade in September 2020, she struggled with reading, but with the help of Ms. G. and the Just Words® program, she made remarkable progress.

A teacher with red hair leans over to help a young student with braids who is writing in a notebook. Another student with light hair looks on. They are seated at a desk in a classroom.
Knowledge Library

Just Words resources & support

Fostering confident, independent readers and writers, together.

Schedule a meeting today to discover how Wilson Language Training can be your partner in success.