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Parents’ Appreciation

This spring, during Teacher Appreciation Month, we asked the greater Wilson® community to share their tributes to Wilson educators. We heard from educators across the country, as well as many parents who shared how Wilson Reading System® (WRS) teachers made a tremendous difference in the lives of their children.

“Kristin C. is the reason my 16-year-old son can read,” shared Lisa A. of New York. “He was defeated and angry with reading and school in general…She refused to give up on him, all the while promoting his self-esteem and celebrating his accomplishments. He is now in honors classes in high school, something that would have never happened without Kristin’s talent!”

In Illinois, parent Marsha L. credits Wilson Reading System tutor Kathy L. for instilling literacy skills and confidence in her daughters. 

“Kathy worked with my oldest daughter through all 12 of the Steps. My daughter started the program at a reading level three grades below average. Her confidence was alarmingly low. Kathy worked with my daughter three days a week for an hour a day for several years. During that time, Kathy not only helped my daughter, but she helped me too. She educated me on dyslexia to help me see my daughter’s difficulties. She eased my anxiety and gave me hope.

“Now, not only is my daughter reading at grade level, but her confidence in her abilities has skyrocketed. My youngest daughter has dyslexia as well. She is currently working with Kathy. She is on Step five. Her scores have already increased significantly. I feel truly blessed to have met Kathy. She has changed our lives.”

Maegan K. and Saundra P. were among several parents who sang the praises of Wilson® Dyslexia Practitioner (W.D.P.) Gail T. in Georgia.

“Ms. T. has changed my son’s life with the Wilson Reading System,” Maegan shared. “He went from a timid, unconfident, shy child to being so confident and comfortable reading to himself and in front of a group.  She has given him the building blocks necessary to be a strong, lifelong reader. We can’t thank her enough for the impact she has made on his life!”

Saundra also described her son’s transformation: “My son struggled with school starting in kindergarten. In second grade, our lives were completely changed because he was assigned to Gail T.’s class. She recognized that he might have other concerns which were preventing him from learning.

“Because of her, we had our son tested and learned that he has ADHD and dyslexia. Ms. T. tutored him for free before and after school to help him get caught up. By the end of third grade, his Lexile grade was more than 100 points over the high range for third grade.  Austin is in 7th grade now, has straight A’s, and still works with Ms. T. She loves all her kids and goes above and beyond for them all. I’ve never seen another teacher who matches her dedication and commitment to each and every child.”  

Stacy M. joined a chorus of parents who shared their appreciation for Pat S., a Wilson® Dyslexia Therapist (W.D.T.) changing lives in Wisconsin.

“Pat was the first person in seven years who listened. When I told her my concerns with my son’s reading struggles, I could tell she cared and truly wanted to help him. She gave us hope, something no one else was able to do.  Pat laid out a plan for my son to get on track and it is working. Results are seen and my son’s confidence has grown. She is organized and thorough. I felt like God gave my family a gift when Pat was brought into our lives.”

These are just a handful of the many touching tributes shared with us over the last several months. There are countless other unsung Wilson heroes helping struggling students learn to read while supporting parents through the process.

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