Empowering educators to help students read is more than our mission–it’s at the heart of everything we do.
Our Literacy Specialists are expert educators and former teachers who understand the importance of Structured Literacy instruction and have hands-on experience implementing our programs. These frontline champions work hand in hand with educators on a daily basis, providing program training and classroom coaching to ensure districts, schools, teachers, and the students they serve are set up for success.
We had the opportunity to catch up with one of our Literary Specialists, Brittany Powers, who let us in on what makes her job so rewarding:
“One of the best aspects of being a Literary Specialist is seeing the impact of our programs on students firsthand.
I’ve been working with a district in the Midwest on its implementation of Fundations this school year. Despite being hit by a tornado that destroyed entire neighborhoods just days before our final coaching session, the district chose to proceed, aiming to restore some normalcy.
The morning of our visit was wonderful. We observed various classrooms, saw hardworking students, and had many celebrations.
During lunch, an office staff member informed us that a parent wanted to speak with me. When we went to the office, we were met by a smiling woman who introduced herself as the parent of a second grader. She asked to hug me and handed me a Coke and a Snickers bar.
She shared a story that I’ll never forget. Her family had lost everything in the tornado, including their pets, and had been staying at a church before relocating to a hotel. Despite these hardships, her daughter had been reading to other kids at the church, teaching them how to sound out words and mark them–skills she learned from Fundations.
That morning, her daughter, who had been reluctant to go to school since the tornado, woke up excited, saying, ‘The Fundations lady is coming today, and I have to show off everything I’ve learned.’ The mother thanked me, saying I had made a lasting impact on her daughter, just like her teachers and the Fundations program had.
Her small gift of a soda and chocolate felt like a million dollars to me. Hearing that a student was able to confidently read and proudly share her knowledge with others, despite facing so many challenges at home affirmed the power of Fundations and reinforced why I became a Literacy Specialist.”
We are privileged to hear stories like this every day. Learn more about how we can help support your literacy goals. www.wilsonlanguage.com/the-wilson-way